One of my Hunny Bunny's favorite things to do is read. Lucky for him, both of his parents are teachers who have hundreds, if not thousands of books! Most of these books were at school when we had our own classrooms. When I went to teach technology and my husband went to administration we brought all the books home.
Luckily, for me and my little guy, my husband turned our loft into a wonderful library! We have one red accent wall and some big black bookshelves. It's very cozy and we like hanging out in the loft. There is a small couch up there and a little desk. Most of the books are even sorted by author or subject so it's easy to find the one we are looking for.
Besides reading, we play up in the loft! There are dominoes, cars, Legos, a marble track, and other educational toys. He likes to take all of the letters out of the puzzle pieces and say the names of them as he throws them on the floor. Cleaning up isn't as fun. The little Legos are difficult for him to build with, so he prefers to play with something already made. He is starting to learn how to fit the marble track pieces together and really enjoys watching the marbles travel through along the paths. Since the loft is on the 2nd floor, it's nice to have a space for him to play if I need to be upstairs. We have a CD player up there too, so he can listen to some jams!
So what does he like to read, you may be wondering? Well, here are a few of his favorite books.
1. The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn is a cute story about a raccoon going to school for the first time and the mom giving the baby a kiss on his hand so he won't be sad about being without his mom for the first time. Adorable, right?
2. Brown Bear Brown Bear is a classic by Eric Carle. We have a lot of Eric Carle books and love them all!
3. The Ancient Egypt Explorer is a nonfiction book with turning wheels that shine a spotlight on one thing at a time. We don't read all of it, but he's really into real books like this. He also loves books about space and dinosaurs.
4. Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb is by Al Perkins. I've had this book since I was a kid. We like the steady rhythm in this book.
5. All of the David books are great, but David Goes to School, by David Shannon, is probably our favorite. This is one of the books my son can read by himself and there are only a few words on each page.
6. Green Eggs and Ham is another classic that I've had since my childhood. Dr. Seuss is a genius. I pause at the end of some lines to give my son a chance to chime in, and he usually knows the words. When I say "I will not eat them here or there" and pause, he says "I will not eat them anywhere".
Here are some of his other favorites.
1. Cool Cars is more than just a book. It comes with 12 figurines and a playmat map. The map folds up and everything fits inside the book when it's time to clean up, which is great.
2. Big Machines! Big Buildings!, by Kevin Lewis, reminds me of the nursery rhyme- This is the House that Jack Built.
3. Diggers, by Jane Horne and Fiona Boon, is cool because it's in the shape of a tire. It features a few construction vehicles.
4. Another book he can read by himself is Five Ugly Monsters, by Tedd Arnold. It's just like 5 monkeys jumping on the bed, but better because it's about monsters. We like to find the kitty on each page.
5. A cute song book is Jesus Loves Me by Tim Warnes. This is one of the few books that actually belongs to my son, as it was a present to him when he was born. Don't ask Dad to read it though. He can't seem to get the tune.
6. Last, and most recently the #1 book, is The Spooky Sound, by Melissa Lagonegro. He's been really into spooky things lately. I like this book because the thing that sounds spooky turns out to be {SPOILER ALERT!} the sheriff, who is driving and snoring in his sleep.
Well I better go. He's getting out the alphabet puzzles again. "T says tah. T is for tapping toes"
This is us cuddling in the loft!
-Me and my Hunny Bunny